New Media 1: What Are New Media?
We no longer live in a world of newspaper and television and radio broadcasts. Technological advances and the internet have fundamentally changed the way media are created and consumed. These lessons will take a closer look at new media and their future.
In this lesson, students will learn about how advances in technology and the rise of the internet gave rise to new media, the forms they take, and how they influence the way we create and consume information.
New media consists of 6 lessons, but only "New media 1: What is new media?" and New media 6: The future" are compulsory. The 4 production lessons, in which students create their own new media, are fun and informative, but not all of them have to be done.
Your life online
In this interactive lesson, students profile each other based on the information they can find online. The class discussion focuses on the importance of online privacy.