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  1. Argumentation: Advanced argumentation

    After learning about the basic structure of an argument, students can further develop their skills and create deeper and more thought-out arguments.

  2. Argumentation: Basic Argument Structure

    Understanding the basics of argumentation is essential for improving media literacy. Learning about constructing (and deconstructing) arguments provides students with the tools to critically evaluate and analyze the arguments presented in media content.

    Media messages often contain persuasive elements aimed at shaping opinions, beliefs, and behaviors. By understanding the basic building blocks of arguments, individuals can better assess the validity, logic, and intention of the arguments they encounter in media content.

    This is where a debate-based approach can be very helpful. Since arguments are the building blocks of any debate case, learning how to construct and deconstruct them is the key focus of debate-based educational methods. This lesson helps students enter the world of argumentation.

  3. Argumentation: Logical fallacies in arguments

    This lesson plan focuses on learning to recognize common logical fallacies in media content, be it news articles, user comments, or social media posts.

  4. Argumentation: Media literacy balloon

    This is a critical thinking game where students pretend they represent a specific media outlet or content provider and prove to others that they are worthy of staying in a crashing hot air balloon.

  5. Argumentation: Refuting arguments

    In addition to learning how to construct and recognize sound arguments, students should master taking them apart, noticing faulty logic and weak substantiation. This lesson plan has students spot and refute arguments made in news articles.

  6. Clickbait

    This lesson starts off with a section of theory focusing on why clickbait is so widely used and delves into the psychology of convincing your brain to click a link. Students are then challenged to come up with their own clickbait in a creative exercise.

  7. Clickbait bingo

    This activity is a fun way for your students to practice what they learned in the “Clickbait” lesson. They must find examples of common strategies used in clickbait texts.

  8. Debate about academic piracy: We believe that it is legitimate to pirate academic articles

    This lesson plan is about organizing a debate on the topic of morality of academic piracy. Besides instructions it also contains arguments for both sides to help you prepare.